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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Born to the loving graces of a professional sword swallower and a chartered accountant, my life began ordinarily enough. Most of my imaginary youth was spent in the company of wild photocopiers. Initiating myself into the "Paper Shredders" I would see a great deal of the inside of hospitals and jails due to our constant warring over territory with the malevolent shopping trolleys. Rescued by the infamous ZuckerBaby from the downward spiral of gang life, I find myself here, disembodied in a computer.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Anthropomorphic muscularity.

Not unlike prison, the currency of a rehab centre is cigarettes. So, having very little in the way of hard cash for purchasing of said coffin nails I decided to prostitute my modest abilities in the field of caricature. Things went well for a while and I found myself without withdrawal for most of the first week. Then one of the inmates asked if I could draw one of the mascots from a footy team. Now here is where things go pear shaped. I said yes. Not something one would foresee as being a tremendous fault but its with this little word that all other pain and suffering comes from. For instance:

"Should we go to war?"


"Would you like to join our cult?"


"Can you draw a very muscular man wearing football shorts with the head of a dragon?'


"Can you now draw the other fourteen mascots from the other teams and then colour them and put a football in the background and then I'm gunna sell em on t-shirts?"

"...... oooookay."

Hence I have been busily drawing said figures for going on three weeks now. I shouldn't really complain, I do quite enjoy doing them but I just kick myself that I never see these things coming. I seem to have a blind spot for Stupidly Obvious Foreseeable Events.

I hear some enquiring minds asking "But you're no longer there, why keep doing them?". And I must admit that on more than one occasion I've asked myself the same question. I'll tell you why I'm still scribbling away at these steriod enhanced rejects from Dr Moreau.

"Can I have your mobile phone number so I can call you and see how they're going?"


That and, to be perfectly honest, I really want to start finishing things. I am a wonderful starter of things. Top notch starting. Uber starter as it were. Finishing, though, is when I tend to let down the home team. I'm not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with my attention span. "Span" being a bit of an over statement. Ledge maybe. Attention precipice. That sounds about right. Look upon a project and then "Whoomph" hurtling into an empty canyon yodelling like a Disney character all the way down until I hit with a distant cloud of dust.

What was I talking about...


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